Friday, May 18, 2012

I decided since Aaron and I were getting married I would start a new blog that will represent our family.  This last month has been so crazy. We went to Colorado and visited his family, he started some hard classes, I went and visited my sister, and got a new job as a waitress at a local restaurant. We have spent a lot of time evaluating our future together, making big decisions and what not. We have started addressing invitations, we have opened a storage unit so we can start buying things for our new home. A friend gave us a tv so thats one thing off our list. We bought a car yesterday which is a huge relief so that is off our list. We got the car registered, licensed, and insured. We are having fun building our new life together. Making decisions, and running non-stop. We watch avatar and eat mac'n'cheese and call it a great night. I am so glad to have met Aaron and have him in my life for the rest of forever. Our family is going to be the best family in the entire world. I hope you like our new blog!! :)


  1. Awe.. I love your new blog and will read it every day!

  2. I like the Blog! It is truly wonderful planning mine and Emily's future. It is busy though. I am grateful we found a good car that will let us travel and visit family. I like the car but it is a manual. Learning to drive stick is harder than I thought it would be. I am glad Emily is patient with me. She is the best and our family is going to be the best family ever! Last night Emily made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, country style gravy (my favorite)and corn. I did some homework while Emily worked on invitations and stuff and then we finished the first season of Avatar. We both like it, but, I am pretty sure that I like it more than Emily does. She thinks it is cheesy. IT is a little, but that is why it is good. I know she likes just makes her sick.

  3. E-DOG AND AARON!! SOOO PUMPED! This is an awesome BLOG party party. Hahaha cheese....good stuff lol

  4. Ha Ha Aaron, your comment could have been a whole post! Love you guys!

  5. Yeah, I wasn't quite sure how to make my own post. However, now I know how:)
