Sunday, December 2, 2012

Can I say OUCH?!

The week before Thanksgiving Aaron and I were playing Basketball on campus and as we were leaving decided to play tag on our way to the car (we always do this). So I pull a quick manuever through the door tag him and bolt. I am running for my life to get to the car before him. I see a shortcut through the grass and so I try to take it. At the same time I hear some kid yell "Hey don't run!" Not 3 seconds pass and I slip and fall. I landed right on top of my foot. as if I were kneeling on it. I heard it crack. Aaron ran over to me and asked if I was ok and I was like yeah of course. I pulled out my leg from under me and saw that my foot looked a little funny, it looked like it was twisted too far to the right. Aaron figured I had sprained it. It didn't hurt at the moment I couldn't really feel anything on my foot which worried me because I knew if I had pulled a muscle or something I would feel it right away. I must have started to go into shock because I suddenly got really hot and light headed. Due to giving plasma so much I immediately recognized the signs that my body was trying to pass out. So I took off my jacket and focused on talking to Aaron and keeping my eyes open. I knew that cold helps and they always tell you to keep talking and keep your eyes open. We probably sat there for 2-3 minutes before it passed and I felt coherant enough to move. Aaron ran and brought the car up and I was going to hop to the car but by that point my foot had started to hurt so bad that I couldn't even hop. So Aaron carried me to the car, and then we went home. He carried me in and put me on the couch. My pain was increasing each second. He was sure it was just sprained and I didn't want to look stupid by making a fuss if it was only sprained but it was the worst pain I'd ever felt. We hadn't been home 5 minutes before I told him we needed to go to the E.R. He gave me a blessing and we headed to the hospital. Once there they took me right in. They looked at it and did a little pain questioning and then told me it was probably a "high ankle sprain". They did the x-ray and came back quite suprised. They said I broke it pretty bad and the question now was cast or surgery? I told him cast was fine but apparently it wasn't up to me it was up to the orthopedic doctor. He said I broke my ankle so bad a piece came off of it, and I tore all the ligaments surrounding the ankle. He said I also broke my fibula. He said because it was broke so bad it would never heal correctly with out surgery. So the next day I had surgery and they pulled my ankle together with 2 screws and a plate. The surgery went well and I woke up right after they finished before they even brought me back to my room. Just a few days ago I had a check up and they pulled all the staples out of my ankle (10 on one side, 5 on the other). I was a little bit of a wimp at that point lol they had to remind me to breath. Now I am wearing a boot and still can't put weight on it until January, I should be back to normal by Febuary! Aaron has been a huge trooper through all this. I haven't been able to help as much with common household stuff but each day the pain gets less and I get a little more mobile, at least thats what I keep telling myself. lol . Well thats all for now! Love you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Emily made some Oreo truffles. They are really good. This week we voted on Tuesday. We had to stand in line for 45 minutes, but we enjoyed each others company and we were able to do our civic duty. Emily's brother, Alex got his mission call to Carlsbad California we are excited for him. I thought my computer was broken but I tried it today and it is working:) The first three months of marriage to my amazingly awesome wife Emily have been wonderful. The future is so bright. I am so proud of Emily being accepted into beauty school, she will do great.

I am also excited to start my classes in January. I register this week. Well, that's all for now folks!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Yesterday we decided to go hiking at R mountain or bluff or whatever you want to call it. We packed a lunch and headed off. We finally found the trail and started hiking. It was a short trail and very fun but there were hardly any switch backs so it was really steep. Snuggles was such a trooper! We had a blast. Here are some pictures of the hike:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!
Halloween is tomorrow and we are going to a ward halloween party! Aaron is going to be a monk, I am a sorceress witch thingy(purple dress couldn't resist:p) and snuggles is going to be a witch. Last night we carved pumpkins together. Both of our pumpkins turned our quite marvelous! We also played risk together yesterday. I dominated. We love every minute we spend together.  We are ready for the election to be over so we won't have to do so many political surveys. We are going to my parents house for Thanksgiving and his parents for Christmas. We are so excited for the the Holidays and the chance to spend time with family. Come January we will get to spend a lot less time together, As we will both be in school full time. That should be fun. Well everyone have fun!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello World!
Yes we are alive and well! :) We have now been married for 2 1/2 months and we have loved every minute of it. We are both off- track and working at the time. Aaron has his custodial job on-campus and we both work at Bernett Research. A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to see my sister Chantelle and her baby Ethan. We were also able to watch general conference.  Life has been fun together. In the past two months we have gone to Yellowstone, gone to the sand dunes, gone rock climbing, watched fun disney movies, and been able to come together more. We both miss our families and look forward to seeing them again sometime soon. We both had birthdays. Aaron turned 22 and I turned 20. Snuggles loves being here with us. We spoil her like crazy, and she likes it. We love our ward here they are all very kind and welcoming. Our apartment couldn't be cuter! Looking forward to the upcoming election and holidays!! :)