Sunday, October 6, 2013

First week of October

Here are some of the yummy things we made this week!
The first is Baked Chicken Chimichangas! These were so good! It is probably our new favorite recipe. We got this recipe from Pinterest.
 Here are some homemade blueberry muffins. These were also super yummy! Aaron could not stop talking about how good these were and can't wait for me to make them again!
 This is Apple Crisp. A girl at my school gave us a huge bag of apples from her orchard so we made some Apple Crisp. I personally don't like cooked apple recipes but Aaron is loving it!
 Here is some homemade Applesauce! I usually don't like applesauce but if you warm this up it is super duper yummy!
 Here is my super cure husband!! He is trying to make a silly face, I think he looks like a moose.
 Here is our baby girl snuggles in her Halloween dress. Isn't she the cutest?
 We love each other so much!
 Friday night we went bowling with one of Aarons clients Jeremy. Jeremy is so nice I think he is adorable. He loves me so much he bought a purple MP3 player because he knew purple was my favorite color!
 Aaron and I at the bowling place...
 Aaron bowling
 Saturday night we went out with some good friends of ours Chris & Allison Martin. We went to the Haunted Straw maze.
 You can't tell very well but that is two camels! They were at the Straw maze for some odd reason. It was so cool to see them there!
 The four of us right before we went it.
 Here is us an hour into the Straw Maze, at first we were all pretty scared but after getting lost and running into the same scary guys over and over we braved up and got a picture with them.
 And last of all an old picture I found of Snuggles sleeping on the couch. Isn't she the cutest?

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