Monday, August 21, 2017

August update!

We have been having a great Summer! I finished up my 4th semester of PT school and am now officially halfway done with my program and only one more semester on campus and then clinicals! We are excited to meet our daughter as she is due in about a month! Gabe is also excited to be a big brother.
 We went on a hike to the Y. It was a steep one. We weren't going to do anymore hikes before the baby is born but we got bored.

 Gabe went poopoo right by the Y! He said Poopoo and then pulled his pants down and went... don't worry we disposed of the evidence by throwing it down the mountain. When you gotta go you gotta go!

 Glorious sweat!

Emily is 36 weeks pregnant and braved the steepness of the Y trail. I thought we were going to have a baby at the top of the mountain. Luckily, the helicopter was able to get her down and the baby was able to be born in a helicopter... just kidding, baby is not here yet!
 I was able to hike Mount Timpanogos! It has been my goal since moving here a little over a year ago. We got on the trail at around 4:30 AM and summited by 9 in the morning. We were home by 12:30 or so. It was a 15 mile hike and was awesome. I would definitely do it again.

 At the top of Timp!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day and fun in May!

This month has gone by fast. I only have 2 more weeks of my 6-week clinical and then I will go back to class for 2 semesters. I have a year and a half left of PT school! Gabe is almost 2 and Emily is 6 months pregnant with baby #2 (a little girl). We went to Traverse Mountain again almost exactly a year from the last time we went.
 Potatoe Hill

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spring Update

We have had a busy last few months. We had my family visit as well as Emily's brother Alex. Emily's brother Zach also moved back to Arkansas. I finished up my 3rd semester of PT school and will be going on my 6 week clinical in about a week. Gabriel is saying lots of words and is growing a lot. We found out we will be having a baby girl in September! We couldn't be more excited. Gabe is going to be a great big brother. Emily has been watching lots of kids to help us with finances. It is nice to have some warmer weather!